Friday, November 19, 2010

Long time never update

Haha... Funny!! I suddenly have the mood to update blog....... Recently is like so busy or maybe should says always so busy and so fast a year going to pass. Time also passed fast when you are busy... That's a good thing also coz a new year a new start a new beginning. Looking forward to next year!! ^_^ I don't know what I want to blog but just feel like entering a post for this month. Keke!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's another month..

Another month!!! I think hor... Nowadays I seem like updating once a one month. -_- I never noticed until today feel like blogging. Then I see my previous post the post is like between 20 - 28 on each month. *LOL*!!! Interesting ah? Every month around this period, I have that mood to update blog? I will try hard to update more often.

Today is Monday.... Monday is indeed blue. =( I hope to get back my mood!!! But seem like so hard...... Tonight will be going out so hope can find back the mood!!! I want my mood to be back soon!! I think now people cannot talk to me... I really don't have that mood to talk now!! Unless you want to hear negative stuffs from me? Who can tell me joke now to make me laugh? Who can make my mood back?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Haha.... Just noticed

one month ago, I said I am not feeling well and now AGAIN not feeling well... OMG!!! What had happened to me? *LOL*!! I think gonna take more 'liang cha' now... =p I am looking forward to this Saturday to meet Jia jia and Winnie. But if I am sick, I cannot meet Winnie le.... Coz she is having bb now... If meet her, later she got sick then no good. =) Probably gonna see this Friday bah.... If really sick, then I think better don't meet her and will meet her when I am fully recovered. Anyway gonna ENJOY THIS SATURDAY AND I AM SURE WILL ENJOY COZ WITH JIA JIA!!~ =p Let's look forward to it!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Feeling not well....

Today don't know what happen... My head spins!! Is it coz this morning waited outside office for too long? And let the 'cold' air caught inside me? Coz today don't know why everyone comes so late..... I reached office at 8.45am and end up my colleague comes at 9.15am... -_-" Waited outside for 30mins and the rain is so heavily. Probably I got a 'cold'. Anyway hope this feeling will be fine later..... I don't wanna fall sick at this time. Somemore it is weekend tomorrow. :'( Actually last night I already start to feel cold already. Have a bad feeling that going to fall sick soon!! End up today really haizzz!! T.T

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So long then I update my blog... OMG!!! I still didn't notice till today wor..... FUNNY!! Anyway life is still as usual... Nothing much to update and also don't really have the mood to update too lah...... Too much things to say and don't know how should I start already. =p

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

11/05/2010 - Steamboat

Long time never eat steamboat... I think the last time I ate steamboat is when JL's b'day which is MARCH..... Haha!! Don't ask me why eat steamboat.... Long story lah... =p Anyway tonight can enjoy steamboat..... I think hor.... Gonna go home wash hair as well coz whole body sure got the smell of steamboat. Hehe!!! :p Nothing much to update for today lah. Just that past few weeks been very very busy at work. Imagine I can't even have time to do my own things. Haizzzz!! Probably also one of my colleague not in office so gonna help her on her stuffs as well. She is now back already so can relax by bit. But still gonna cross finger lah...... =p

Monday, May 10, 2010

10/05/2010 - Went for dental appointment

I went for dental appointment today and it is like........... waited for so long (I think got 30mins) but seeing doctor is quite fast. Doctor is SUPER FRIENDLY..... The nurse called my name and so I walked in and the doctor is like shotgun...... He speaks very fast and says very fast..... you just have to sit down and I check your teeth and you can go (his "go" means go for X-Ray)........ So after just 3 secs of check and he asks me to wait outside for the nurse to do X-Ray for me....... But the waiting time is longer than seeing doctor. I waited for probably 15mins for X-Ray.... After X-Ray, the nurse there is so friendly too.. She jokingly tell me.... You can still 'peek' on your X-Ray of your teeth before you go and wait for doctor. Actually I seen the X-Ray before coz I done once not long ago but just that the report is with another doctor. So to me, it is nothing new. Hahaha!! But the service there is WONDERFUL coz they are super friendly. Then after X-Ray, waited to see doctor again.... This time wait for another 15-20mins before seeing doctor. While I am waiting outside, doctor is so funny lor... He comes out and sees me sitting there, he told me 'very fast going to be your turn'. Then so I waited and waited, he comes out and asks me to go in. He asks me to see the X-Ray and he told me that he has a good new for me..... It is a good new. I am like HUH? What's so good new? He told me that your wisdom tooth got 3 still growing and another 1 is very nicely grow out. He suggests me to take ALL out at one go so that I will pain only once. If he do right side, later next time he do left side, I will feel pain twice. Haha!! He asks me to consider first. After saying, I can go off already. *LOL*!! Now my appointment is OPEN.... So I can call in any time to do the surgery...... Probably wait till next month then do bah coz I have a wedding dinner to attend next month... Later my face swollen and don't think nice to attend wedding dinner. *LOL*!!! =p So will only think about it next month! =p