Friday, April 2, 2010

01/04/2010 to 02/04/2010 - April Fool

Today is April Fool..... No one fools me except the stupid lizard....... The lizard runs away from home and it comes back again... I am late for work coz of that stupid lizard too... -_-" Actually I wake up at 6.00am but end end I am late for work... Funny right? Really coz of setting up a a trap for lizard until I am late lor..... But my trap no use coz I think they gt smell their most hateful smell (Scrotch tape smell) so it don't dare to come out..... But before that, got buy a box that can trap lizard and end up, on that day....... It comes out but didn't go into that box... T.T End up we change the direction of the box and it went in.... FINALLY!!!!! It got caught... Actually we stand by another box just in case it runs away and will go another box... Who knows.... There's another lizard kena... This time is the 'big lizard'. I think hor... Must be the parent (either mum or dad) for the small lizard lor...... But so scary seeing at the dead lizard... My hair all stand when I saw them. OMG!!! My brother says that this box can put for 3 weeks - 1 month so he puts the box at different location of the house and see if we are able to trap other insect. *LOL*!!! It is like doing experiment..... Don't know why my house is clean and attract lizard?? Weird!!!!!! Coz we clean our house every day so can't be dirty..... :'( Gonna see my house got what to attract lizard.... After exam, gonna go online search and see what attracts lizard to come to my house..... Hehe!! =p

On 02/04/2010, I slept one whole day.... It is so BEST to sleep one whole day... *LOL*!! I sleep and wake up and after that go back to sleep until evening...... SO WONDERFUL!!!! I love like this coz
I will get full energy back. Hehe!! I think I slept got 15-16hours? :p

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