Wednesday, March 31, 2010

31/03/2010 - Sad... Another colleague leaving...

Sianz lor... Another lunch kaki leaving already.... T.T She is a girl who loves to have lunch downstair and whenever I have lunch downstair, we will alway have lunch downstair together... Not now anymore.... I think whenever I have lunch downstair, perhaps I will think of her....... I ask her why she wants to leave, she is not able to give me an answer... Hahaha!! She says she also don't know why she leaves..... She hasn't found any new job.... Probably she wanna focus on her studies bah. Damn good lor....... I also want to slack at home but when long term, it will be kind of sianz coz money all dry up. *LOL*!! Then I heard another colleague leaving too but he leaves on april.... -_-"" More and more people going off? Damn sianz lor!!! When will it be my turn? Hahahahahahaha!!! Actually I also don't know leh...... Sometimes work makes me happy but that's only when nothing goes wrong...... no people finding faults with me.... no people keeps on pushing stuffs to me... The rest is so far still alright..... Can talk with them..... But when things turned bad, everything is like haizzzzzzzzzzz......... like what is happening and will start to feel sad. Will keep thinking what did I do wrong? How did I do wrong? What should I do now? Feeling guilty? Haha! Ok lah... Just starts to EMO again....... No more!! No more!!! Now I only think of my exam and continue to work hard on my work.... I want to prove that I can do it.... I can also do my things nicely... After exam, maybe gonna 'change' myself by devoting A LOT MORE and MORE of my time to work... =D Anyway now faster settle my exams first. Hope the time goes slowly now!! Really!! I need time to go slowly..... =)

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