Sunday, March 7, 2010

07/03/2010 - Shopping

Today went to temple and shopping with my mum and brother..... My brother drives us to the temple and after that, we went to Bishan Junction 8 and in the car park, I found a familiar car... *LOL*!! I saw Steven's car...... Hahahahaha!! So coincidence to find his car there.... It is just that I happen to turn and look and I saw the car plate number very familiar and I turn up to look, it is his car..... Keke!!! Anyway back to topic, so we went to have chicken rice at the coffeeshop. The queue is damn long but the chicken rice portion is really a lot. I helped my mum queue but I never had lunch coz I have a late breakfast. After having our lunch, we went to Shop and Save and shop...... Think long time never go Bishan and there's a new shop and save so we went in and see see look look. After that, we went back to J8.... J8 still the same leh....... My brother bought me YAMI YOGURT....... Yipppppeeeeee!!! So yummy!! We shop for awhile and we went to NTUC to buy our necessities but nothing much to buy from there too....... After that, we went back home and I am stucked on TV shows. *LOL*!! Really only on TV shows, my house TV can burst already. At around 5.00pm, I slept on the sofa coz too tired already lah. I slept at 3.00am last night and I wake up at 10.00am? 11.00am? I forget what time I wake up but all I know is I had a late breakfast. Been sleeping for short hours recently, don't know why and don't understand why too? I am VERY SLEEPY but I just can't sleep? Don't know what happened to me lor. I know it is not good for myself but yet I really can't sleep though I know I am sleepy leh? Anyway I slept until going to 7.00pm coz my mum wake me up and asked to have dinner. I love homecooked foods...... Hehe!!! My grandma & mum are the best!! *YUMMY*!! My grandma & mum know I love to drink soup so whenever got soup, they will sure scoop for me. After dinner, went to bathe again and after bathing, went to my parent's room for chit chat.... Hahahahahaha!!! Then back to my room at around 11.30pm? From then, I checked my phone and noticed that I got sms from JL.... Wahahahahahahahhahaha!! So pai seh to JL coz I never saw her sms as I never bring phone out today and when reached home, I never checked my phone. ='( Really so pai seh!! But Sunday passed again, it is Monday again!! Weekend always so fast end de lor..... Haven't enjoyed much!! T.T To be continued to enjoy on next weekend!!~

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