Tuesday, March 16, 2010

16/03/2010 - Super Duper Busy

Super duper busy today.. Been busy till now then free a bit.... VERY POWER hor? Long time never so busy already........ Is it a GOOD thing or should I say a BAD thing? Keke!! Good is TIME PASSES VERY FAST... Bad is so many unclear stuffs...... ='( Oh ya.... Last night busy working at home until 1.00am..... Hahahaha!!! Long time never bring work back to do..... Now you know why I say BUSY? Keke!! Really not enough time for me to do so many things..... I am really damn stress out now lor....... The stress is like coming..... I thought I will only like this during exam period but it is not. I notice that whenever I feel I have no time.... I will get super stress up. Guess I really need time to stop........ =( I haven't started doing something and I don't know how I should do leh...... I have developed something already... Now thinking how to decorate. I really have not enough time now. One week already have lesson for two days. Haizzzzz!!! Wish me all the best in doing and hope able to rush it out at the very last minute. Ok lah... Going back to work already coz gonna rush and go off on dot today coz having lesson later.

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