Wednesday, March 24, 2010

24/03/2010 - War...

Today morning is like a war..... While I am bathing, my delivery uncle called and asked where are the documents? Told my mum to tell him that it is on the trolley....... So can ASSUME should be no more already right? End up........................ I ate my breakfast halfway..... He called again.... He asked where is this and that? -_-" I asked my mum packed the food for me and I rush to work before 9am to settle him coz he needs to go off at 9am...... Reached office... I expect him to 'nag' me but he didn't. And my boss uncle helps to settle already. But thanks god, I rush there coz the document is wrong. Then my boss uncle gets so pissed off by the colleague who sign the document. Coz she knows it is wrong already and she still signed it. (In other words, she never check before she signs). Then more and more things happened is one of my colleague never 'packed' properly on the trolley for my delivery guy coz if he packed properly, my delivery guy can go out directly. So many problems sia...... So I start to amend the documents........ After amending, I faster continue to eat my breakfast coz it is already past 9am... But lucky my breakfast is so yummy... Otherwise I think my Wednesday is spoilt. =p I think when the colleague who signed the documents come back, she gonna get scolding already.... She is not in today.... Anyway think her mouth is sweet enough to make guys go wobble for her. *LOL*!!! So don't think he will scold her also lah. But I can assume that she sure push everything to me. Otherwise this is not HER... Everytime she is not in office, my day is so wonderful but when she is in office, my day is damn sianz lor. I think my fingers not enough to count for how many times she push things to me. Anyway everyone got eyes to see... I have nothing to scare..... 人在做,天在看,只要我没做错,我有什么好怕.... =p

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