Tuesday, March 9, 2010

09/03/2010 - Wanted to blog but dunno what to blog

I dunno what I can blog today already... After seeing something, after the quiz..... I really don't know what I should blog already. Can say that I am moody.... blame myself for playing too hard that I never study for it..... T.T Now can only cross finger....... Hope lecturer is grace enough to lower down his standard. *LOL*!!

I know I got a lot of things want to blog coz whenever I want to blog.... I start to become busy and so I left it behind and end up when I want to blog, I forget about it.

Feeling so hungry now.....Wahahahahhahahahahahahhaha!! All of a sudden........ =p Stomach is growling...... Noisy stomach!! Anyway just remember to eat breakfast tomorrow can already.....

Today too rush for work and never take breakfast and during lunch time, my uncle san pack food back for me and another colleague. It is nice TOM YAM soup....... End up I forget I never take breakfast and I eat SOUR food.... Then really something happen.... Which is I had gastric pain... *LOL*!! The pain starts and stops already........ Haizzzz!! But don't know why recently like lose appetite leh? I keep on skipping either breakfast or lunch or dinner...... Got once my colleague asks me if I am on diet coz always see me never go lunch.... I told him that it is coz I dunno what to eat so might as well don't eat -> this is really TRUE.... Coz really eat until sianz already.... Then usually morning if I go to work by myself, I will usually skip breakfast too coz also same reason which is dunno what to eat. And if I buy, I will buy breadtalk's bread..... Hahahahahahaha!! I know it is not healthy but when you really dunno what to eat, think you will have the same feeling as me.... =p

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