Friday, March 5, 2010


Winnie & I planning how to celebrate JL's birthday. How to "sabo" her? *LOL*!! End up Winnie and I keep thinking about how should we give her the cake coz we will be going Sentosa and if we bring the cake there, she sure will know. So after class today, lecturer end class early and so I went to central and see what cake can we buy and where can we buy from? End up I am walking to Cake History... Walking to Breadtalk and even walked to Swensens but suddenly remember that if we are to meet JL early, we should be able to buy from Cake History or Breadtalk coz the shops open early. So I went home and suddenly have an idea of making 'jelly' for JL but I asked my mum if I bring Jelly to Sentosa will it melt? I think by the time turns watery already so my mum told me that why not I make agar agar for her? I say 'Ya hor....' so I start to bring all ingredient out and starts to make the agar agar.... Finished around 11.50pm..... Then I told my mum about the cake and she says that I never tell her early and she can help me bake the cake. End up she asked if want to do now and asked me to help her...... so I helped her and we did it until around 12.30am..... =) If I am not wrong, I slept at 2.00am. Really very sleepy but after seeing the outcome, it is really worth it! =D

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