Thursday, March 18, 2010

18/03/2010 - LOL...

My colleague saw my masterpiece and helped me to erase the unwanted part and I jokingly told her that I can write your name in it too coz you also contributed. She says 'then I must write in the wish in a small sentence that "Next time don't ask SL to make any card coz she will be super stress". Hahahaha!!! *LOL*!! But I don't deny that I will be stress lah..... Coz I will start to pressurize myself (just like when I am having exam) to make the card nicely done.... My theory is: "If want to do, must do nicely! Don't do nicely then completely don't do". If it is not nice, for what you give people a not nice card? *LOL*!! That is my theory lah... But I really spend my two nights of beauty sleep (2am then sleep) to make it as you all should know that my time is like so limited. I guess tonight gonna do again too.. Keke!! My three nights of beauty sleep... wahahahahahahahahaha!!! I think I will only have a good sleep on Saturday night bah!! *Yawnz!!* I am really extremely sleepy. How I wish I can faster finish doing it. =(

But here I will like to thanks my colleagues for their feedback and JL for her materials...... Really very thanks you for seeing me so stress and willing to help me by lending me stuffs!!~ =D Really very appreciated!!~ I hope that person will like the card...... It is really my hardwork. Muahaahhahahahahahahahahahaha!!! =p

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