Thursday, March 18, 2010

18/03/2010 - KFC Feast

Hahahaha!! Today is raining day then my colleague suggests to order in.... So we ordered KFC... *LOL*!! Now waiting for it to come...... *Yum Yum*!! Just noticed that I am going to fall sick already then still eating so heaty stuffs. Hehe!! But anyway gonna enjoy my lunch later..... =)

Oh ya.. feeling super duper sleepy today... been sleeping at 2am for two continuous days already..... Coz now rushing something out.... I think today also cannot sleep early coz still rushing..... ='( *Yawnz*!! You will see a haggard SL these few days... After finished, finally can get a good sleep. Waiting for weekend to come....Hahahahaha!! Oh no!! I forget to order something........ OH NO!!! Chiamz!! I try if phone can book or not. Hope can bah then I no need to purposely go down... =x

Anyway today show my colleagues on the item and they told me that it is nice........ Then I show them what I did yesterday and they told me that you are so sincere...... JL ever told me that once you finished doing it, you will feel everything is worth it. Now I only do half and I feel worth it already. Just hope the person who receive it will be touched bah coz I really spend all my time on it these few days. =p

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