Saturday, March 6, 2010

06/03/2010 - Second Round in Sentosa

I nearly cannot meet JL & Winnie at 10.00am...... Think last night really too too too sleepy...... If JL never called me at 9.30am, I think I will SURE be very late.....=.=" After waking up, I start to prepare and bring everything there to meet them at TPY Macdonald. Keke!! Winnie and I planned to surprised JL by carrying the cake to the Macdonald. Can see from her face that she is shocked lah..... I think we spend a lot of time in the Macdonald and after that, we went to shop awhile (really awhile) at central then after that go to Vivo City...... We went to Giant to buy drinks and some food from Vivo City....... It is time to go Sentosa....... The weather is damn hot but it is really fun and nice to play...... We start to 'setup' our mat and taking out our items out to play and had our lunch there.... During around 5.30pm? Or maybe 6.00pm? We ended our games and went to play water.... Keke!! It is fun to play water in Sentosa lor. You will have different feeling from playing water at Swimming pool. After not long, everyone is told by lifeguard to get out of water coz there won't have any lifeguard. T.T That is when we start to pack up and bathe @ Sentosa and after that proof off for our dinner... Really tired but we had fun. On the way back to HarbourFront (Coz we taking by bus), we are thinking what should we have for dinner? Winnie suggests Breekz but end up JL & I thinks of the same idea which is we go and eat steamboat. *LOL*!! So we went to Chinatown and have our steamboat. Everything really ended damn fast.... The day just ended like this. ='( But really hope JL enjoyed her birthday celebration and like the gifts that I gave her! Keke!!~

LAST BUT NOT LEAST..... THANKS NIE & JL FOR THE DORAEMON BAG.... Love it so muchhhhhhhhh!!~

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