Wednesday, March 3, 2010

03/03/2010 - Wondering.. (very long)

Must be wondering where did I go today? Today is like a very nice day..... Hahahahaha!!! Met XP at 10am but I am late coz I forgotten to bring her prezzie so I went back home and get it (actually I am on the way to meet her but suddenly when she called me then I remember about the prezzie and I walked back home to take it.... So sotong me!! Think too rush already coz on phone with Ant till 9.22am so forgot about the prezzie but I still remember afterall....=p). Hope she really like the prezzie!! =D Thanks XP & Jade for the prezzie..... Keke!! So touched that you two still remember!! Btw I am not getting married so soon coz I haven't found my Mr Right...... Wonder when will my Mr Right appear? *LOL*!! Probably I can make a wish..... make a wish......... =p After meeting XP, I called Fish and she told me to meet her at the traffic light..... Hahahahahahaha!! She dashed the road.... >.<" 不乖....... Think she too eager to see me....... Haha!! She passed me A LOT OF PREZZIES...... 1st time received so many prezzies from just one person. I think got 8 items? I saw the most touched item which she used one whole night to do it. Somemore got doraemon de leh...... *LOL*!! Oh ya.... The watch is VERY CUTE...... When you saw it, you will find it cute too.... Keke!!! After she passed me the prezzies, I took all back home and after that, we meet AGAIN... Hahaha!!!

We meet at the traffic light again and time to go for our breafast!! We went to Macdonald and took the breakfast....*YUMMY*!! Btw this Saturday will be going to eat breakfast in Macdonald too.... Keke!! After having breakfast, we went to Sentosa (this is the surprise that Fish gave me.. She told me that we will be going there yesterday or two days ago...). Hahahahaha!! FYI.... I will be going Sentosa again on this Saturday to celebrate JL's birthday so not surprised to see me become tanned.... Keke!! Back to Fish, she lend me her iphone..... Hahaha!! She told me that I never specified that I want to use the iphone everywhere and it will be mine so she says lend me iphone for one day is also consider as the wishlist. *LOL*!! That is HOW MY WISHES ALL COME THROUGH...... Haha!! When we reached there, we went to WaterFront Station..... It is damn nice lah...... Doesn't look like Singapore. Hahahaha!!! So we slowly explore here and there and we saw Casino there..... It is like Genting Casino. Really damn nice lah!! Then as usual, we took photo and go here and there. We saw the branded shop path..... This is when I took picture with "CHANEL"...... The "CHANEL" wording is damn nice coz like got spark...... The whole path makes me think of Changi Airport...... So while walking and walking, we saw Victoria Secret and we went in.... I purchased something there but after purchasing it then I noticed that it is actually damn expensive for just that item. Anyway already purchased it so no choice now... *LOL*!! After shopping at Victoria Secret, we went to Universal Studio...... But Universal Studio don't have any more preview.... We checked with the staff roughly around how much will be the ticket and was told by her that the ticket will be S$66.00 and should be opening this month... Damn sianz lor!! Coz motive is go there and take photo but end up cannot go in. We went to the Hersley Chocolate shop there and the chocolate is damn unique.... Fish bought chocolate for me!! Haha!!

After buying, we went to take train to Beach Station (Actually Fish wants to walk to Merlion there and from there we walked to Beach.... but I asked her take train.... Muahahahahahahahahaha...). OH YA!!! I MUST BLOG THIS AND REALLY MUST BLOG THIS..... I saw a handsome westerner four times today... 1st is when we are walking towards Resort World... 2nd is when we come out from Resort World...... 3rd is when we are at the 'branded shops'..... And how the 4th comes about? I said we took train right? He is INSIDE THE SAME TRAIN AS US until we alight then we saw him..... OMG!!! Saw him 4 times...... Hahaha!! But he is not alight at Beach Station lah... Otherwise I think we will meet him for more than 4 times..... Haha!! Miss out lah.... Otherwise can ask him take photo with me!! *LOL*!! Back to topic, we walk to Siloso beach....... Wanted to play the sand BUT THE SAND IS DAMN HOT, you can't even put your foot on the sand coz it is BURNING.... The weather is REALLY OMG!!! I am telling Fish that we go find the 'wavehouse' to see people play the wave.... Managed to find it and saw people playing it.... It is VERY EXPENSIVE..... 1 hour for $30++++..... After that, we went to play the skyride & Ludge....... Nice nice wor.... We can take our own sweet time to play ludge coz not many people and no need to queue..... After playing ludge, we went to Vivo City to SHOPPING....... Nice but forget to bring extra clothes to bathe there coz we are real sweaty and smelly...... Haha!!

After shopping at Vivo City, we home sweet home!! =)

Thanks for accompanying me for one whole day, Fish!! =D

*Psss....Really still on "holiday" mood.... Time really passes so fast and a brand new day coming again... T.T*

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