Monday, March 8, 2010

08/03/2010 - Not happy... T.T

I thought I have 'used to it' but just noticed that I can't 'used to it'. T.T Kena NAG AGAIN!!!!!!! Stupid lor... Always spoil my day...... Buay tahan and don't think I can tahan anymore... Been trying to REN REN REN REN REN...... From a lot of MOTIVATION to Less MOTIVATION to NO MORE MOTIVATION now. I told myself to blog something happy but there's always someone there trying to spoil it. I don't know why and don't understand why too. I guess this is why I always can't sleep also bah. Coz been very stressed whenever think about work. The only two days which I will be happy is SATURDAY & SUNDAY..... Imagine every morning kena nag..... Tell me who can tahan it? Some friends may noticed that my mind is always thinking of something non-stop. Guess gonna turn out to have depression soon. Hahahahahahaha!!! From very talkertive to less talkertive to talkertive to quiet. ='( Always trying hard to make it nicely but always turn out to be kena nag.... No matter how well I done, it is totally no use! T.T I really lost the motivation already. Everytime can only keep it inside my heart, I don't know to tell my friends coz I really don't know how should I say/phrase out. Feeling down today! Don't feel like talking today too.... Haizzz!! Let me EMO today bah!! Hope tomorrow will be a better day for me!! =)

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