Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23/03/2010 - Mass Revision for IBPS...

There's revision again..... This time is for another subject...... Hope this lecturer is kind enough to give us tips for exam. Oh ya!! Yesterday I ask Jialin & Winnie help me buy food for dinner and I reach tiong bahru early so I sit down there and eat... End up I totally forgotten to return money back.... -_-" When I reached home and bathing, then I remember I forget to return the money to them..... After bathing, I faster go make a call to Jia Lin and apologise to her that I forgotten to return her the money... She told me that is Winnie pays de....... So I called Winnie after ending call with Jia Lin and apologise on the returning of money. T.T I am so forgotten......... Haizzz!!

I have been sneezing non-stop for one whole morning.. -_-"" Last night I had a dream - a very scary dream? I dreamt of my classmates... I dreamt of my colleague and I dreamt that we all are in school. We all went to school for lesson and after lesson, while walking down the stairs...... she is beside me and my colleague kena possess. I still didn't know and keep on calling her and she no reply me..... I call until she used a fierce look at me then I know she is possess. So scary!! Then she walks away with her kids..... I am so scared and I don't know what to do. End up I went to find 'one of my secondary school teacher' and we think of a way.... From there then I noticed that I lost my wallet and handphone..... My secondary school teacher helps to ask 'volunteer' to help me find all my items...... end up found my wallet but my card is gone (Problem is the wallet and things inside it TOTALLY THE SAME AS MY REAL LIFE). OMG!!! Then after that, I wake up..... I have no ending for this dream. All I know is I go and see the time and it is 5.55am. -_-" I am so sleepy..... I went back to sleep until 8.00am then wake up coz I am really so sleepy and the dream is really so scary too. Start to prepare my things and end up HEAVY RAIN....... Haizzzz!!! I went downstair around 8.30am and the rain is so heavily... The floor is full of water and make my foot wet... T.T Somemore with the heavy bag....... Kind of feel myself pitiful. Hehehehe!!! After reach office, I think around 9.00am.... Lucky just nice!!! But I keep sneezing non-stop today!!! Think going to fall sick le... Haizzzz!!!

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