Monday, March 1, 2010


I will try to update my blog often too.... =) Today is super busy at work.... Don't know why? Haha!! Probably is the lucky draw that makes me busy too lah... Coz everything like clash together. Anyway we had a lucky draw dip at 5.00pm today. Had two draws today.... Keke!!! The first dip is everyone will get a chance SURE WIN draw and I got myself a bottle of bird's nest. Hahahahaha!! Should I call myself as lucky? =p The second dip is by luck coz not everyone can get the item and this time I got myself a box of Ginseng Tea..... But too bad lah.... Ginseng Tea is like a waste for me. I can't even drink it so my uncle san took it back home. Actually IF it is TEA, I rather don't get myself an item so that the rest can get it and drink it. Keke!!

After work, I went to meet Fishy and she gave me a surprise.... I didn't expect her to buy that as I just ‘随口说说’ but in fact I want to buy it myself and waiting for SALES to come so that I can grab a lot of that..... (FYI... The 'that' I will only disclose it end of this week/early next week)..... =p We wanted to eat Popeyes at first but it is quite crowded and there's no seat for us to sit so we decided to change venue. While walking and thinking what to eat, I saw this shop selling quite nice stuffs so we went in and end up I really bought something out. *LOL*! I find the thing which I bought is NICE (usually is like this....always buy the things that you like).... How I wish it is MINE!! I am telling Fishy that IF one day you saw me using this, you don't feel surprised....*bleahx*! No lah... I am just joking and won't keep it for own use! I think I have a lot of those type but it will never enough. Haha!! There's still a lot more to update about today but due to time is going to reach 12.00am and should be my sleeping time for today, I shall end here. Long time never so 'good girl' to sleep so early. Hehe!! No choice also coz tomorrow having lesson.... ='(

Night, everyone!! \(^_^)/

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