Monday, March 15, 2010

15/03/2010 - Meet JL for lunch

Today meet JL for lunch.... So pai seh for letting her to wait for me... Wanted to go off early abit bit but end up.......haizzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! As usual, they got urgent stuffs for me so end up I leave at 12.05pm. Really damn nice to had lunch with her and it is the FIRST time that we had lunch together on weekday. Haha!! Thanks for her accompany and also the 'materials' that she lends me for doing the stuff. =D

Today is still as usual.... Still so busy...... Sometimes I really wish I can stop all the good times and fast forward all the bad times. Keke!! Too bad that I don't have the power to do so and I don't think anyone has the power to do so too. =p Actually hor..... On Saturday, I saw another nice skirt from my favorite shop but................ but........ I don't know how to match the top so I never buy but thinking if I should go today to buy it. Hehe!!! It costs $46.00 but I got $10.00 voucher so it will be $36.00.... Hahaha!! Head pain lah...... =x If I buy that skirt, I think I don't have the money for food already.... My budget is all finished...... Hahahahahaha!!! Really over spend this month......... All the money gone... T.T What should I do? I like skirt but............. got money yet can say no money to buy it.... Muahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!!!

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