Tuesday, March 2, 2010

02/03/2010 - Don't know why

Super duper busy until I need to come in to take a deep breathe before I continue my work. Really very busy... Probably tomorrow on leave so that's why gonna clear my stuffs before I leave office today. ='( Mm... I gonna thanks MH for the prezzie..... Haha!!! I like it and it is one of my wishlist.... That is why I said my a lot of wishes will fulfill this year. Keke!! Actually normally I don't have any wishlist but only this year only have a few and my wishes almost all come true already. Really thanks to my lovely friends for making my wishes come true...... =D My wishlist budget is a bit high this year....... But the most wanted prezzie is iphone & Wii.... *LOL*!! Don't think anyone will fulfil this wish..... Hahhahaahhahaahhaahahhahaha!!! =p Ok lah...Enough of my nonsenses. Going back to work! ='( Hope I can finish everything before 6.00pm. Wish me good luck!! =)

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