Friday, March 19, 2010

19/03/2010 - It's Friday

Yeshhhhhhhhh........Yeshhhhhhhhhhh........It's Friday AGAIN!! Don't know why it seems that time is really extremely fast. Anyway today is a HAPPY day for me...... Finally can sleep until late tomorrow. I hope I can have a peaceful sleep tomorrow....Hehe!!! Feel like drinking TEA today but I cannot do so coz if I am to drink, I can't sleep and end up I will be sleeping late. Last night busy doing everything except for writing until 2am..... But I am so happy that I finally finished everything except writing.... =D Thinking how to write mushy words.... Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! I have limited space for myself to write coz if I write too long, later someone cannot write.... Keke!! So I gonna summarize my words lah. =p Anyway previously I already prepared my words already.. Just that I find a bit long now... Gonna go cut shorter.....Keke!! After input, I think everything is DONE.... ^.^ Btw today is my LAST lesson of this course....... (Hope really can be the LAST lesson.... Coz still got TWO more papers to go before graduate..... Fear on these two modules)...... Gonna miss my classmates & friends..... Coz normally we will see one another for 2 days per week....... ='( All the best to everyone!!~

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