Friday, November 19, 2010

Long time never update

Haha... Funny!! I suddenly have the mood to update blog....... Recently is like so busy or maybe should says always so busy and so fast a year going to pass. Time also passed fast when you are busy... That's a good thing also coz a new year a new start a new beginning. Looking forward to next year!! ^_^ I don't know what I want to blog but just feel like entering a post for this month. Keke!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's another month..

Another month!!! I think hor... Nowadays I seem like updating once a one month. -_- I never noticed until today feel like blogging. Then I see my previous post the post is like between 20 - 28 on each month. *LOL*!!! Interesting ah? Every month around this period, I have that mood to update blog? I will try hard to update more often.

Today is Monday.... Monday is indeed blue. =( I hope to get back my mood!!! But seem like so hard...... Tonight will be going out so hope can find back the mood!!! I want my mood to be back soon!! I think now people cannot talk to me... I really don't have that mood to talk now!! Unless you want to hear negative stuffs from me? Who can tell me joke now to make me laugh? Who can make my mood back?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Haha.... Just noticed

one month ago, I said I am not feeling well and now AGAIN not feeling well... OMG!!! What had happened to me? *LOL*!! I think gonna take more 'liang cha' now... =p I am looking forward to this Saturday to meet Jia jia and Winnie. But if I am sick, I cannot meet Winnie le.... Coz she is having bb now... If meet her, later she got sick then no good. =) Probably gonna see this Friday bah.... If really sick, then I think better don't meet her and will meet her when I am fully recovered. Anyway gonna ENJOY THIS SATURDAY AND I AM SURE WILL ENJOY COZ WITH JIA JIA!!~ =p Let's look forward to it!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Feeling not well....

Today don't know what happen... My head spins!! Is it coz this morning waited outside office for too long? And let the 'cold' air caught inside me? Coz today don't know why everyone comes so late..... I reached office at 8.45am and end up my colleague comes at 9.15am... -_-" Waited outside for 30mins and the rain is so heavily. Probably I got a 'cold'. Anyway hope this feeling will be fine later..... I don't wanna fall sick at this time. Somemore it is weekend tomorrow. :'( Actually last night I already start to feel cold already. Have a bad feeling that going to fall sick soon!! End up today really haizzz!! T.T

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So long then I update my blog... OMG!!! I still didn't notice till today wor..... FUNNY!! Anyway life is still as usual... Nothing much to update and also don't really have the mood to update too lah...... Too much things to say and don't know how should I start already. =p

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

11/05/2010 - Steamboat

Long time never eat steamboat... I think the last time I ate steamboat is when JL's b'day which is MARCH..... Haha!! Don't ask me why eat steamboat.... Long story lah... =p Anyway tonight can enjoy steamboat..... I think hor.... Gonna go home wash hair as well coz whole body sure got the smell of steamboat. Hehe!!! :p Nothing much to update for today lah. Just that past few weeks been very very busy at work. Imagine I can't even have time to do my own things. Haizzzz!! Probably also one of my colleague not in office so gonna help her on her stuffs as well. She is now back already so can relax by bit. But still gonna cross finger lah...... =p

Monday, May 10, 2010

10/05/2010 - Went for dental appointment

I went for dental appointment today and it is like........... waited for so long (I think got 30mins) but seeing doctor is quite fast. Doctor is SUPER FRIENDLY..... The nurse called my name and so I walked in and the doctor is like shotgun...... He speaks very fast and says very fast..... you just have to sit down and I check your teeth and you can go (his "go" means go for X-Ray)........ So after just 3 secs of check and he asks me to wait outside for the nurse to do X-Ray for me....... But the waiting time is longer than seeing doctor. I waited for probably 15mins for X-Ray.... After X-Ray, the nurse there is so friendly too.. She jokingly tell me.... You can still 'peek' on your X-Ray of your teeth before you go and wait for doctor. Actually I seen the X-Ray before coz I done once not long ago but just that the report is with another doctor. So to me, it is nothing new. Hahaha!! But the service there is WONDERFUL coz they are super friendly. Then after X-Ray, waited to see doctor again.... This time wait for another 15-20mins before seeing doctor. While I am waiting outside, doctor is so funny lor... He comes out and sees me sitting there, he told me 'very fast going to be your turn'. Then so I waited and waited, he comes out and asks me to go in. He asks me to see the X-Ray and he told me that he has a good new for me..... It is a good new. I am like HUH? What's so good new? He told me that your wisdom tooth got 3 still growing and another 1 is very nicely grow out. He suggests me to take ALL out at one go so that I will pain only once. If he do right side, later next time he do left side, I will feel pain twice. Haha!! He asks me to consider first. After saying, I can go off already. *LOL*!! Now my appointment is OPEN.... So I can call in any time to do the surgery...... Probably wait till next month then do bah coz I have a wedding dinner to attend next month... Later my face swollen and don't think nice to attend wedding dinner. *LOL*!!! =p So will only think about it next month! =p

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

05/05/2010 - Don't know how to describe today...

It is like moody... Recently feeling moody coz work is like always A LOT even though I cleared a lot..... The moment I cleared finished, another new one can AGAIN... Don't know how should I cleared finished. ='( Some friends called me during my working hours also no time to talk to them. I also rarely online on msn too... It is like totally NO TIME to log in msn lor. Even now is using lunch time to update.... See how power it is! I am like so so so busy until I can't even take a break. This morning my delivery uncle got a lot of stuffs to deliver. The same thing... I expect him to nag and he did...... But now only can pray hard that everything turns smoothly. I am like so TIRED everyday... Really tired lor..... The only thing I can do now is REST AT HOME without thinking anything coz been thinking a lot during work.... Work stuffs need to think. I guess that is when my energy is ALL USED. Really don't feel like doing anything at home but to relax myself. Let me rest enough then got energy to go out and talk to you all. Been moody also don'thave that mood to talk. I guess probably I am going to fall sick too bah. Trying hard to drink water if I got time. Ever since don't know when at work, I busy until can one whole day never drink water.... POWER RIGHT? Haha!! Coz busy till you won't even remember that you must drink water lor. See how busy am I..... ='(

Saturday, May 1, 2010

01/05/2010 - Met up with my two long time no see friends...

Today is Saturday.... I met my two long time no see friends..... Really very long never see them already.... I bought something from one of them and I collected the items from her. Then another friend tag along too. So we sit down and chit chat and shop awhile....... It is like really long time never go out with them. One of them said that next time we go eat steamboat together k..... I am like eh.... "Pisces" like to eat steamboat? Coz I also quite like to eat steamboat...... Then my anothe friend says she (referring to another friend who is pisces too) likes to eat steamboat. Haha... But anyway overall still enjoy my Saturday! =)

Friday, April 30, 2010

30/04/2010 - Today is Friday but never feel happy

Don't know why not happy...... Nothing much to update for today as well... Haha!! I should be looking forward to it but I don't feel happy leh..... =(

Friday, April 23, 2010

23/04/2010 - JCO Donut

Hahaha... My ex-colleague brought donut for us..... Very long never eat it and it is so nice..... Really miss having donuts after don't know how many months ago..... Keke!!! Anyway get to eat and got the temptation to have donuts again..... Probably gonna go buy from donut factory too..... Hehe!! But too bad that I will be going out tomorrow. Otherwise I will buy home tonight and for tomorrow breakfast or lunch... Hahahahaha!!! You must be thinking why I will be going out tomorrow and I can't buy right? Actually it is coz I know I wake up late so if I am going out tomorrow, probably I might be just in time to meet my friends only so if I have to eat donuts, I guess I will be super late. Hahahaha!! But so happy that tomorrow going singing again..... Damn nice to sing but I guess I haven't been singing for quite a some time so now singing is lousy.... Even want to sing at home also never do so coz I been watching tv shows until quite late every night. I think should be around 11pm? After watching, I directly go to bed coz feel super sleepy. I guess this is how I make myself fall asleep. So once I am sleepy, I must faster go to bed and sleep. Otherwise it is quite difficult for me to be on bed. That is partly why I don't really like my phone to ring at night and at certain times, I will silent my phone so I won't get interupted (only if I remember). I guess that is also partly why my friends not happy that I no reply them bah... ='( But if they can be understanding, I think they should know their friends (me) is very difficult to get in sleep so once I sleep, don't really like to get disturbed. Once I am awake, I need to try to force myself back to sleep again. Don't know why I get to difficult to fall asleep. Haizzz!! Seeing others like not easy being disturbed from sleep is like so nice... Can sleep for one whole night. For me, if I hear any noise, I will wake up already. T.T Unless I am really super sleepy/tired, I will open my eyes and fall back to sleep again. Haha... Don't know why suddenly talk about this. Anyway it is so fast that it is Friday already. WEEKEND COMING SOON!! YipPpPpEeEeEeEe!!!~

23/04/2010 - Kena pissed off by non other people but HER....

Haizzz!! Why she so like to spoil my mood? I guess she is the ONLY ONE girl that can SPOIL my day!!! I don't know how should I tell you about her but.... I guess many who had heard her story will also dislike her lah..... *LOL*!! Probably only SEE HER then you all will dislike her........ Anyway gonna be HAPPY and try to spoil by her..... Keke!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

22/04/2010 - Thursday

Hehe.... Long time never go sing song and finally went today!!! It is kind of rush... Coz only two and a half hour.... Damn sianzz lor!! Cannot sing until very shiok.... Keke!!! Then I very long never sing and never hear any new songs liao... So sing all those not the newest de.... Haha!! Think my friend got bored bah..... Coz she sings and I don't know... =( Gonna brush up my new songs liao...... Haizz!! That time busy exam then busy outside also...Never really hear any new songs... T.T But overall still enjoy with my friend..... Coz it is really damn long since our last meet up.... Gonna meet up often with my friend coz now I finally have freedom.... Muahahahahahaahahhaa!!!~ =p

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

19/04/2010 - Time to go off but the rain is so heavy....

Raining so heavily now... Time going to knock off soon and now don't know how should I go off leh..... T.T Going to my grandparent's house to get dinner from her before heading home.... Wahahahahahaha!! Love my grandparent coz they dote on me!! =) But now gonna think of a way to go off.... =p Today nothing much to update coz as usual busy with work.... Time really flies and Monday just gone... OMG!!! Don't know why today I love working.... I got the enthusiastic to work.... Haha!! Probably in a good mood too lah... =p But today is SUPER DUPER SLEEPY... Really very sleepy coz I had a bad dream... I dreamt of those 'good friend'.... So scary!!! Anyway hope I can have a good sleep tonight!! =)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

18/04/2010 - Back to shopping life....

So love shopping..... Can shop is wonderful even if it is WINDOWS SHOPPING... *LOL*!!! Think after exam, gonna spend a lot of money coz long time no spend money.... I spend $160.00 shopping + lunch..... Wahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I think time to going to hear me say BROKE again....... *LOL*!!!!! Gonna SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!! Cannot spend too much already... Otherwise I eat grass... Somore Mothers' Day coming soon!!! Gonna save up money for my mum!! Wahahahahahaha!!! I think after Mothers' Day is Fathers' Day? OMG!!!! Really gonna save up liao... But I will be VERY BUSY from thursday - Monday!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! ='(

Saturday, April 17, 2010

17/04/2010 - Went out shopping + movie + relaxing....

I guess when you can get to relax already, the feeling is wonderful!! Went shopping and movie after that.... Went to watch Shutter Island and this movie isn't that nice lah.... My friends nearly fall asleep inside.... Hahahahahaha!!!!! Anyway probably only us who feel nearly fall asleep lah... Hehe!! Recently don't know why watch movie all is like boring de..... *LOL*!!!! 1st is "Remember Me" and now "Shutter Island"..... Haha!!! But gonna find a nice show to watch to make myself enjoy inside....... I think the most enjoy is "Avatar" coz it is in 3D.... =p After movie, we went to Robertson Quay sit down and relax.... Haha!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

15/04/2010 - 16/04/2010 - Work....

Back to work again...... Feeling extremely tired and sleepy.... I need lot of rest....... =( Not enough rest... Gonna have a good sleep to replenish back my energy....... But I am really so happy that I can finally relax and watch my TV shows freely. Gonna get to my shows and finish it up!!! =p

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

13/04/2010 - Last paper

Can only cross finger now.... It is the FINAL paper but it is DAMN DIFFICULT.... It is really more stress than BBS. Really so difficult lor.......When I see the paper, it is really OMG!!!! This time can only cross finger that can get 35 marks. As long as I get a PASS, I will be happy enough. I don't expect HIGH and I don't like PEOPLE TO COMPARE marks... Their mouth says won't COMPARE but in fact they are COMPARING. It is so SICKENING for people to compare marks lor...... What's there to compare? Even you get higher or lower, DOES IT REALLY MATTER? Probably I have no expectation and as long as I can pass I feel ok already. Anyway not going to bother this kind of PEOPLE....... Coz as long as I get my certificate, I will be HAPPY!!! =D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

12/04/2010 - 13/04/2010 - Work....

Nothing special today and only working..... Damn stress over work and school.... Don't have that mood for work but still gonna work.... Feeling so stress over the paper on Wednesday.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

10/04/2010 - 11/04/2010 - Struggling over 2nd exam.....

So stress over this 2nd paper..... Trying hard to remember and understand it but it is DAMN DIFFICULT.... Feel like crying..... But I didn't!!! Feeling so stress out of a sudden...... It is like stress until head so pain..... Guess really in stress but never mind... Will continue to try to struggle coz no time left..... =( Gonna work tomorrow and on Tuesday as well... Wish me good luck bah... =)

Friday, April 9, 2010

09/04/2010 - It's Friday

Should I feel happy or should I feel sad? The day is getting nearer and it is our second paper... Kind of scared coz I haven't even start to revise... Been feeling extremely tired and I slept super early...... Last night I slept at 10pm... *LOL*!! Damn early right? But I wake up at 6am.... Saw my mobile that JL called & sms me... Wanted to sms her but I am thinking it might be too early to reply her coz if her phone rings, later she will be disturbed from her sleep so I decided to reply her later and I think I did at 8.00am?? Hahahaha!! At least she gets to sleep 2 hours more..... :p I went to prepare breakfast.... Wahahahahahahahahaha!! Nice breakfast!! *YUMMY*!!! SO NICE!!! =p I had bacon + egg + cucumber + cheese sandwich....... Hehe!!!! Sounds a lot of stuffs but actually it is just normal sandwich lah....... =p I think I can 'pass' this skill already coz I find it not bad........ Next time lah.... IF GOT CHANCE, I make for you all...... =) But gonna wait lah........ \(^.^)/

07/04/2010 & 08/04/2010 - Exam & Start to WORK again.....

Today is so nervous coz today is THE DAY for ONE EXAM PAPER..... So scared sia!!!! It is like scared lot of words running away from my mind...... If it runs away, it means that I should have a bad feeling. I tried to go Facebook to relieve the stress but it seems no use. I keep on feeling very anxious. After writing half way, my stomach starts growling... That is when I feel hungry so I sms JL and ask if she wants to meet up for lunch....... She is ok with it. Trying to get Nie but she didn't reply sms until I am on the way to meet JL... *LOL*!! Before leaving house, JL told me that we meet in plaza instead so I start to pack up and on the way to plaza to meet her..... In the train, it is so empty. Long time never see this kind of 'empty'. But all my mind is full of words..... When I reached plaza, JL they all reached too. So we meet and wanted to eat meals from MOS burger but end up it is lunch time and lot of peoples... Wanted to eat meals from Macdonald but it is full house. So we eat meals from Long John Silver the 'no queue & many seats available'. After eating our lunch, we start to revise again....... Revise and revise and time reached...... It is so ANXIOUS!!! So NERVOUS!! Coz never know what the questions are? Are we really on the right track? Did we really study and it comes out? All I know is I gonna throw all these questions away and just go for it since there's no turning point. *LOL*!! To my expect.... Seeing the first question...... it is like.......................... OMG... SO DIFFICULT! When we are at Long John Silver, Nie got say 'Usually FIRST QUESTION IS NOT THAT EASY'. When I see the FIRST question, I am like "OH NO". End up I starts to write down what I know and I flip to another page starts to write... and I continue to write..... After seeing last question, I start to have confidence on the LAST QUESTION. *LOL*!!! Anyway now can only wish me all the best!! I really hope just to pass this paper and next week paper. =)

On 08/04/2010, The day is like................. still ok? Except until late afternoon, I dislike what my colleague says..... The words from his mouth ISN'T NICE AT ALL... It is like WHO DO HE THINKS HE IS? How can he say such words? He thought he is really very HIGH POSITION? How HIGH he is when he is just as normal as us. Haizzzzzz!! I think he should change his character/attitude so that he will be able to work well with people. More and more people starts to dislike him coz he thinks he holds a VERY HIGH POSITION which he is not even. Don't point your nose high above when you are walking or taking. I dislike when he throws documents on my desk too..... It is like so rude!! What is the heck he is doing? Probably I should really try to throw documents on his desk and see how he reacts? *LOL*!!! =p

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

05/04/2010 - 06/04/2010 - Working

Working... T.T. Don't think got time to study..... All I know is I am very tired and really extremely very tired......... Gonna get to wake up and study for my exam!! Otherwise I guess I will be dead. Nothing much to update!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

03/04/2010 & 04/04/2010 - Struggling with revision....

Damn sad that I gonna rush my revision coz there's limited time for me to study... T.T Coz I gonna go work tomorrow and also going work half day on Tuesday..... Time is totally not enough time for me to revise.... Gonna add lots of oil for exam on Wednesday..... *So scared!!*

Friday, April 2, 2010

01/04/2010 to 02/04/2010 - April Fool

Today is April Fool..... No one fools me except the stupid lizard....... The lizard runs away from home and it comes back again... I am late for work coz of that stupid lizard too... -_-" Actually I wake up at 6.00am but end end I am late for work... Funny right? Really coz of setting up a a trap for lizard until I am late lor..... But my trap no use coz I think they gt smell their most hateful smell (Scrotch tape smell) so it don't dare to come out..... But before that, got buy a box that can trap lizard and end up, on that day....... It comes out but didn't go into that box... T.T End up we change the direction of the box and it went in.... FINALLY!!!!! It got caught... Actually we stand by another box just in case it runs away and will go another box... Who knows.... There's another lizard kena... This time is the 'big lizard'. I think hor... Must be the parent (either mum or dad) for the small lizard lor...... But so scary seeing at the dead lizard... My hair all stand when I saw them. OMG!!! My brother says that this box can put for 3 weeks - 1 month so he puts the box at different location of the house and see if we are able to trap other insect. *LOL*!!! It is like doing experiment..... Don't know why my house is clean and attract lizard?? Weird!!!!!! Coz we clean our house every day so can't be dirty..... :'( Gonna see my house got what to attract lizard.... After exam, gonna go online search and see what attracts lizard to come to my house..... Hehe!! =p

On 02/04/2010, I slept one whole day.... It is so BEST to sleep one whole day... *LOL*!! I sleep and wake up and after that go back to sleep until evening...... SO WONDERFUL!!!! I love like this coz
I will get full energy back. Hehe!! I think I slept got 15-16hours? :p

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

31/03/2010 - Sad... Another colleague leaving...

Sianz lor... Another lunch kaki leaving already.... T.T She is a girl who loves to have lunch downstair and whenever I have lunch downstair, we will alway have lunch downstair together... Not now anymore.... I think whenever I have lunch downstair, perhaps I will think of her....... I ask her why she wants to leave, she is not able to give me an answer... Hahaha!! She says she also don't know why she leaves..... She hasn't found any new job.... Probably she wanna focus on her studies bah. Damn good lor....... I also want to slack at home but when long term, it will be kind of sianz coz money all dry up. *LOL*!! Then I heard another colleague leaving too but he leaves on april.... -_-"" More and more people going off? Damn sianz lor!!! When will it be my turn? Hahahahahahaha!!! Actually I also don't know leh...... Sometimes work makes me happy but that's only when nothing goes wrong...... no people finding faults with me.... no people keeps on pushing stuffs to me... The rest is so far still alright..... Can talk with them..... But when things turned bad, everything is like haizzzzzzzzzzz......... like what is happening and will start to feel sad. Will keep thinking what did I do wrong? How did I do wrong? What should I do now? Feeling guilty? Haha! Ok lah... Just starts to EMO again....... No more!! No more!!! Now I only think of my exam and continue to work hard on my work.... I want to prove that I can do it.... I can also do my things nicely... After exam, maybe gonna 'change' myself by devoting A LOT MORE and MORE of my time to work... =D Anyway now faster settle my exams first. Hope the time goes slowly now!! Really!! I need time to go slowly..... =)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

30/03/2010 - In stress

Probably I am stress and everything just comes together so make me super frustrated....... I am very pissed off now..... better don't talk to me if you don't want to hear from me any 'negative'. Probably exam coming..... Work like never finish........ Not enough sleep.............. I can say HAVEN'T START TO STUDY YET... This is MORE FRUSTRATED.... ARGH!!!!! Who can save me?? I need additional MEMORY!! I REALLY NEED........ Btw I guess I won't be updating blog these few weeks..... Recently never online much on night time too... Don't know why always not enough of sleep so will sleep early at night........ I want more sleep........ =(

Friday, March 26, 2010

26/03/2010 - Headache

From morning till now, my head is so pain........ Somemore throat is pain too.... Think I am sick... Haizzz!! Sianzzz!! Why fall sick NOW? This is NOT the BEST TIME to get sick lor... Exam is coming too.... Damn sianz lah...... T.T Maybe coz of stress? But work now is like not that stress liao... Only exam coming then super stress. ='( How to cure this headache now? I just took panadol coz really cannot tahan the pain already... I still need to work lor. Actually I should rest at home de... Never mind... Tomorrow can rest at home! Keke!!~ Mm..... Last night I am like a 'mum'..... I cooked dinner. Hehehehe!!! Still edible lah.... =p But not as good as my mum.... Maybe I should picked up some cooking skills from my mum so I can cook nicer next time!! Hehe!!! 1st time becoming really a chef.... Hahahahahahaha!! I stir fry vegetable...... I cooked dark soy sauce chicken thigh.... I steamed Fish...... I boiled Cheese Hotdog..... So fun cooking.... =D Enjoying cooking........ Gonna wait till graduate then really got the time to learn...... =p Now my mind should be on my exam? Can say early yet can say LATE liao.... Left only 10 more days to exam......... I still haven't start studying..... OMG!! *Scary*... So scary!!! =(

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

20/03/2010 - Long await birthday card for my cousin

24/03/2010 - War...

Today morning is like a war..... While I am bathing, my delivery uncle called and asked where are the documents? Told my mum to tell him that it is on the trolley....... So can ASSUME should be no more already right? End up........................ I ate my breakfast halfway..... He called again.... He asked where is this and that? -_-" I asked my mum packed the food for me and I rush to work before 9am to settle him coz he needs to go off at 9am...... Reached office... I expect him to 'nag' me but he didn't. And my boss uncle helps to settle already. But thanks god, I rush there coz the document is wrong. Then my boss uncle gets so pissed off by the colleague who sign the document. Coz she knows it is wrong already and she still signed it. (In other words, she never check before she signs). Then more and more things happened is one of my colleague never 'packed' properly on the trolley for my delivery guy coz if he packed properly, my delivery guy can go out directly. So many problems sia...... So I start to amend the documents........ After amending, I faster continue to eat my breakfast coz it is already past 9am... But lucky my breakfast is so yummy... Otherwise I think my Wednesday is spoilt. =p I think when the colleague who signed the documents come back, she gonna get scolding already.... She is not in today.... Anyway think her mouth is sweet enough to make guys go wobble for her. *LOL*!!! So don't think he will scold her also lah. But I can assume that she sure push everything to me. Otherwise this is not HER... Everytime she is not in office, my day is so wonderful but when she is in office, my day is damn sianz lor. I think my fingers not enough to count for how many times she push things to me. Anyway everyone got eyes to see... I have nothing to scare..... 人在做,天在看,只要我没做错,我有什么好怕.... =p

24/03/2010 - My feeling now

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23/03/2010 - Mass Revision for IBPS...

There's revision again..... This time is for another subject...... Hope this lecturer is kind enough to give us tips for exam. Oh ya!! Yesterday I ask Jialin & Winnie help me buy food for dinner and I reach tiong bahru early so I sit down there and eat... End up I totally forgotten to return money back.... -_-" When I reached home and bathing, then I remember I forget to return the money to them..... After bathing, I faster go make a call to Jia Lin and apologise to her that I forgotten to return her the money... She told me that is Winnie pays de....... So I called Winnie after ending call with Jia Lin and apologise on the returning of money. T.T I am so forgotten......... Haizzz!!

I have been sneezing non-stop for one whole morning.. -_-"" Last night I had a dream - a very scary dream? I dreamt of my classmates... I dreamt of my colleague and I dreamt that we all are in school. We all went to school for lesson and after lesson, while walking down the stairs...... she is beside me and my colleague kena possess. I still didn't know and keep on calling her and she no reply me..... I call until she used a fierce look at me then I know she is possess. So scary!! Then she walks away with her kids..... I am so scared and I don't know what to do. End up I went to find 'one of my secondary school teacher' and we think of a way.... From there then I noticed that I lost my wallet and handphone..... My secondary school teacher helps to ask 'volunteer' to help me find all my items...... end up found my wallet but my card is gone (Problem is the wallet and things inside it TOTALLY THE SAME AS MY REAL LIFE). OMG!!! Then after that, I wake up..... I have no ending for this dream. All I know is I go and see the time and it is 5.55am. -_-" I am so sleepy..... I went back to sleep until 8.00am then wake up coz I am really so sleepy and the dream is really so scary too. Start to prepare my things and end up HEAVY RAIN....... Haizzzz!!! I went downstair around 8.30am and the rain is so heavily... The floor is full of water and make my foot wet... T.T Somemore with the heavy bag....... Kind of feel myself pitiful. Hehehehe!!! After reach office, I think around 9.00am.... Lucky just nice!!! But I keep sneezing non-stop today!!! Think going to fall sick le... Haizzzz!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

22/03/2010 - Mass Revision for ECM

Hahahahahaha!!! Don't know why feel so happy? I guess coz I had enough sleep? I slept early last night. Long time never like this already..... I guess most important is really get enough of sleep and will feel much more happier. Hehe!! Tonight got mass revision for ECM...... The lecturer is quite bored in the beginning but he starts to become entertaining after not long...... His joke is really joke. But his tips is like studying everything. Haha..... Anyway wish me good luck for the exam!!~